Tuesday, March 27, 2012

Phil Davis: “Losing is not the worst thing in the world. The worst thing in the world is not getting better.”

Famed football coach Vince Lombardi once had a saying along the lines of, “Relentlessly pursue perfection and in the chase you may catch excellence.” The implication is that flawlessness is an ever-elusive creature but striving for the impossible while constantly attempting to improve can produce incredible results. UFC light heavyweight Phil Davis recently watched his [...]

Source: http://fiveouncesofpain.com/2012/03/27/phil-davis-%e2%80%9closing-is-not-the-worst-thing-in-the-world-the-worst-thing-in-the-world-is-not-getting-better-%e2%80%9d/

Michael Bisping  Dan Bobish Vagam Bodjukyan Kotetsu Boku 

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