Wednesday, May 16, 2012

UFC 148's Chael Sonnen likely to appear on NSAC's May 21 meeting regarding TUE application for TRT

By: Jamie Penick, MMATorch Editor-in-Chief

Chael Sonnen's participation in the UFC 148 main event may not be as cut and dry a proposition as it appeared at first blush. With his Middleweight Championship rematch with Anderson Silva moving from Brazil to Las Vegas, Sonnen's testosterone use is going to come under further scrutiny.

According to a report from, Sonnen has officially applied for a therapeutic use exemption with the Nevada State Athletic Commission for his use of testosterone replacement therapy. With that application, which was submitted two weeks ago, Sonnen may be put on the NSAC's May 21 docket to answer some questions regarding his application.

Sonnen's TRT use came to the forefront in conjunction with a positive test for an elevated T/E ratio out of his first fight with Anderson Silva in 2010. It was at his hearing with the CSAC that he revealed his TRT use, with his family doctor in toe as the one who diagnosed him with hypogonadism.

Now, for the first time, he may actually be put under the lens. He's claimed he needs the testosterone in order to function, and the NSAC's TUE process will now be scrutinized as well in conjunction with this.

Penick's Analysis: If they clear him for TRT, things will move forward as planned for UFC 148, and Sonnen's long saga with this testosterone issue may come to a close. That said, if they do clear him for TRT, depending on how comprehensive they look into it, the NSAC could come under fire as well. This is going to be a very interesting and touchy issue in the next month, and could potentially put the UFC 148 main event in jeopardy yet again.

[Chael Sonnen art by Grant Gould (c)]


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