Wednesday, March 7, 2012

TUF 15 coach Urijah Faber feels rival Dominick Cruz chose him as an enemy

By: Jamie Penick, MMATorch Editor-in-Chief

Urijah Faber kicks off the lead up to his fight with Dominick Cruz this Friday night on FX when the two of them sit down to watch the opening round fights of The Ultimate Fighter 15, live in Las Vegas. The two rivals will pick teams from the 16 men remaining after Friday's fights to coach for this landmark live season of the show, and Faber's excited about what this season is going to bring.

"That's what I'm most excited about man," Faber said of watching live fights each week in an interview with "I mean, I'm a huge fight fan. I mean, dream come true to watch two guys that are like, who have everything at stake, fight live each Friday. It's going to be something great for me, that's for sure."

Even more than the live fights, though, this coaching opportunity will bring a lot more exposure to a rivalry that Faber believes was begot out of Cruz's insecurities, and he's not sure what to expect from being around him often for 12 weeks.

"It's a long history between us," Faber said. "And it's basically, and I've always said, I feel like he chose me as an enemy. I don't even know the guy and he already started you know, being kind of a jerk off. So, I accepted it and I'll run with it. I don't have any enemies, but I'm not scared of the confrontation, that's for sure... He's a little bit jealous. He's got the belt, but I still think he's got a little jealously going on there…a lil chip on his shoulder. He's not a happy dude."

"I've never been in a situation where I'm training to basically fight and do harm to someone, and then also have to live in the same area as him and see him every day. So, it's gonna be interesting man. I don't know exactly how it's gonna go, but it's going to be interesting."

Penick's Analysis: The dynamic between the two of them for 12 weeks should hopefully bring up the anticipation for this fight, because it really should be a fantastic matchup and the conclusion to some very real animosity. Cruz isn't the most charismatic Champ in the UFC, but Faber brings out some definite underlying feelings in him, and should make for a good foil throughout the season. I can't wait to see what they bring to TUF in this new live format, and really can't wait for their third bout this summer.

[Urijah Faber art by Grant Gould (c)]


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