Monday, April 23, 2012

ROUNDTABLE: If Alistair Overeem indeed claims prescribed TRT was to blame for his elevated T/E ratio, should the NSAC license him?

If Alistair Overeem indeed claims prescribed TRT was to blame for his elevated T/E ratio, should the NSAC license him? Under what conditions would that be reasonable?


I don't think he should be licensed if it was prescribed TRT or not. As a professional, you should know what is going into your body. If there is any medicine or supplement that you are not completely aware of, any ingredients or substances, that may affect drug testing, that's on you. Anyone that claims it was based on something they took, that they weren't aware of what was in it, shouldn't be granted a license just based on stupidity alone.


I don't think so. His levels were extremely high, too high to have been prescribed. I wouldn't even consider Overeem if I were the UFC. If they wanted to keep him under contract, it would be best to put him in another fight. The PED stain will always follow Overeem, but at the heat would have a chance to die down some.


Should they license him? Hell no. He has spent so much time claiming to be the most tested athlete in the sport, which is clearly a violent amount of nonsense, so why when he comes up dirty on a test is he suddenly in need of TRT and a TUE? It's a heap of horse dung that burns my nose every time I hear something Overeem says about his physique being legit. What's next, Barry Bonds was legit too? Shawn Merriman never used the juice? Nick Diaz never smoked weed a day in his life? Come on, Overeem isn't just lying to his fans, and his supporters, but he's spent years lying to himself that he was the "legit" big muscular Greek-god looking guy. Chances are if your hair fibers have muscles, and you just took a urine test that grew a beard by the time it got to the lab, you're cheating, and Overeem's ridiculous transformation is now apparently the result of cheating as well. I try not to judge but in this case, I won't be surprised if he does get licensed, and I will admit that I really would love to see him fight JDS, but we all know the fight is tainted with the smell of hypodermic needles in Alistair's ass cheek. Do you think for one second that if they made PED's legal that every heavyweight on the planet wouldn't look like this guy does? Hell yes they would and the entire sport would go down the tubes because of the lack of real competition because everyone shot up with steroids. I suggest Dana White himself stops avoiding commenting on the situation and lays out an ass whooping on Alistair publicly to let any other fighter know that if you're caught – you're screwed.


No. Under no conditions should Alistair Overeem be licensed. He was to be randomly drug tested before May 26 and yet failed to report his "need" for TRT to the commission? No thanks.


This one's easy. There's no plausible explanation for Overeem's T/E ration to have been 14:1. It doesn't pass the eyeball test, for one. Does Overeem look like a guy suffering from low testosterone? I'm no doctor, but I'm calling shenanigans here. There's no way the NSAC will license him, and they shouldn't. The thing is, it's bad for everyone. Say Overeem gets a license, fights JDS, and wins. Now everyone knows that the UFC champion is a testosterone user. It's bad for the UFC from an image perspective, and it makes the NSAC look like a joke. Here's a guy who clearly, in retrospect, played them for fools leading up to the Lesnar fight, and now he's done it again? No way.

[Alistair Overeem art by Grant Gould (c)]


Tiki Ghosn Dennis George Kultar Gill Allan Goes

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