Thursday, June 28, 2012

UFC 148 Conference Call Highlights: Anderson Silva has harsh words for Chael Sonnen

The trash-talking between UFC middleweight champion Anderson Silva and silver-tongued scrapper Chael Sonnen has died down some during the final build towards their headlining bout at UFC 148. However, each man will have a chance to get some parting shots in later today when the two talented 185ers join Tito Ortiz, Forrest Griffin, and UFC President Dana White on a conference call promoting the July 7 show.

The rivalry between Sonnen-Silva dates back to the hype for a 2010 fight where a continuous stream of smack from Sonnen amped things up to a fever pitch prior to their meeting. Though Sonnen nearly delivered on his bravado, beating Silva for four rounds until succumbing to a submission in the fifth, the second time around he’s taken aim at Silva’s family as well as his Brazilian heritage including an infamous line requesting a steak from the the title-holder’s wife.

Five Ounces of Pain will be on the line when the call starts at 2:00 PM EST and relaying highlights from the festivities back to readers as well as the occasional soundbyte.

Read below for a look at what all of the afternoon’s participants had to say:

Chael Sonnen

- “I’ve been training for combat since I was nine years old.”
- Thinks Silva’s skills are amateurish
- “Anderson says he’s gonna break my face? I’ve got two words for him – medium rare.”

Anderson Silva

- Calls Chael a criminal, says he’s been convicted of crimes and he doesn’t deserve to be in the Octagon
- “When the time is right I’m going to break his face and every one of his teeth in his mouth.”
- People who live in the past are in museums / “Playtime is over. The joke is over. I’m gonna beat his ass out of the UFC. He’s never gonna want to fight again after I’m done with him.”
- Doesn’t care what position he’s in against Sonnen because he’s going to “beat his ass”
- “What I’m gonna do inside the Octagon is going to change the image of the sport. I’m gonna make sure every one of his teeth are broken – his arms are broken, his legs are broken.” / Guarantees Sonnen will need assistance to leave the Octagon
- “I’m gonna make him pay and make him eat everything he said…I’m gonna beat him maybe the way his parents should have beat him to teach him some manners.”
- “I’m not playing anymore.”
- Believes Sonnen will need plastic surgery after the fight

Tito Ortiz

- Knows who Forrest is and how he fights
- “This fight means the world to me and it will show on July 7.”

Forrest Griffin

(Wasn’t asked a single question before call ended abruptly)

Dana White

- Calls UFC 148 one of the biggest sporting events of the year
- Expects more than a million buys
- Shocked by Silva’s demeanor (not in a bad way)



Ryo Piranha Chonan  Dan The Sandman Christison  Logan The Pink Pounder Clark  Steve The Snake Claveau 

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