Saturday, June 2, 2012

Dana White offers up thoughts on Nick Diaz, Jon Jones, PEDs, and more

UFC President Dana White has had a lot on his plate over the past few weeks with situations springing up such a few of his employees’ recent run-ins with the law as well as a slew of injuries and suspensions. The outspoken executive was recently asked to weigh-in on a number of the topics where he addressed Jon Jones’ arrest for DUI, Nick Diaz’s yearlong suspension for marijuana use, performance enhancing drugs, the future of Strikeforce champ Gilbert Melendez, and more.

Here are a few things plucked from White’s extended interview with Inside MMA followed by video of the conversation:

Performance Enhancing Drugs – “If you look at all the fights we put on – I did the math on this thing the other day and of course I can’t remember it now – but if you look over the history since I’ve been involved with the UFC, which is eleven years and something like 1700 fights…now if you go back over the last eleven years and see how many guys in the UFC have popped for PEDs, out of 1700 fights, it’s very small…I don’t think it’s as big of an issue as everybody’s making it out to be.”

Diaz – “It’s very frustrating. It’s one of those situations where the kid was about to make the most money he’d ever made in his whole career or more money than guys have ever made in their entire careers. So as frustrating as it is for me imagine how frustrating it is to him.” / “I want Nick Diaz to compete. I want Nick Diaz to fight in the UFC. But there are rules. And you have to follow the rules. You cannot smoke marijuana. I don’t care how many lawyers you get.”

Jones – “He’s a good kid. He made a stupid mistake You think about social drinking…everybody’s done it. Everybody was at that age where they jumped in the car, drove home and the next day they said I can’t believe that I drove home last night. It’s a serious situation that happens here in the United States. I know for a fact Jon has learned from this and hopefully he can educate other people.”



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