Sunday, June 3, 2012

Report: DREAM is no more - ceases operations


DREAM is no longer a going business, we learned today from various people in the industry. Multiple sources have confirmed this with MMA-Japan. OF COURSE and I put this in bold print - YOU NEVER KNOW WITH THINGS IN JAPAN but more than one individual has told me the exact same thing.

Earlier, we reported that they had delayed their July event, possibly for the rest of the year. Now, we are being told that DREAM is no longer a going concern.

This will leave a plethora of Japanese fighters without a job and give OneFC the ability to scoop up a roster's worth of very talented fighters. Others may descend upon the USA to try out their ranks with Bellator and on the regional circuit.

Tis' a sad day in Japan.
Bummer if true. But like they say, hopefully it means One FC's roster just grows and they put on more shows.


Gilbert Aldana  José Aldo  John Alessio  Houston Alexander

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