Sunday, July 29, 2012

Miesha Tate takes to Twitter to ask for sponsorships


The life of a professional fighter isn’t easy. Sure, the Anderson Silvas of the world make the long dough and have major sponsorships like Burger King coming out of their asses. But most fighters struggle just like the rest of us, and double down on that for women fighters.

Former Strikeforce bantamweight champion, Miesha Tate knows a thing or two about struggle. In 2011 she fought only once. This year, she’ll fight twice. In March, when she lost to Ronda Rousey, she earned only $19,000…as the champion. Of course that figure is strictly for her contracted salary. There may very well be other monetary incentives tucked into her deal, but considering its Strikeforce we’re talking about here, those incentives are probably nothing better than a 2 for 1 at the local Waffle House.

Certainly Tate earns money doing other things. She’s a hot chick, and a hot chick should never want for work, as is decreed in the Bible. She’s done magazine spreads, seminars, autograph signings, etc. But her bread and butter – fighting – just isn’t paying. And fighting for an organization that everyone knows is a sinking ship just isn’t attracting the sponsors. Tate recently took to Twitter in a plea for someone who owns something to throw some ends her way.

“Hey if any1 wants to potentially sponsor me for my upcoming bout Aug 18th hit up @BryanCaraway pls.”

To my ignorant ass, it’s incomprehensible how everyone doesn’t want to have their name plastered across her marvelous body – return on the investment be damned, but that is why I will always be rather average.

Here’s to hoping someone answers the call for help. Women fighters don’t get nearly the respect they deserve. They’re professionals, not to be objectified by misogynistic pigs. But if no one answers that call, I hear nude mud wrestling pays some righteous bucks.


Pat Barry  Vitor Belfort  Robert Berry David Bielkheden

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