Friday, August 17, 2012

AW Fired After Inappropriate Joke, Criticizes Treatment by WWE

WWE Performer AW, most recently featured as the manager of the Primetime Players (Darren Young and Titus O’Neil), was released yesterday from his contract. AW ran into trouble on RAW on July 30, when he made a regrettable and decidedly non-PG joke referencing Kobe Bryant‘s alleged sexual assault in Colorado. He made his final appearance on Smackdown last Friday night, accompanying the Players to the ring for a match with his usual headset mic.

WWE officials confirmed the move on the company’s website.

WWE confirmed on TMZ that the Bryant remark led to AW’s release, stating, “Unfortunately, Brian Jossie, playing the character of A.W. was terminated because he continued to exhibit poor judgment by making offensive and inappropriate comments on live television and on social media.”

AW took to Twitter to get a few last words in, writing, “AWPromotions is no more ladies and gentlemen. Thank you for your support and hate, it’s been a great run. Now I get to do me which isn’t PG! @TitusONeilWWE & @DarrenYoungWWE thank you for allowing me to speak on your behalf. You guys are the best and I’m glad to call u my friends! Let this be a lesson to up and coming talent in the WWE don’t try and be great like the Rock or Stone Cold. WWE isn’t the same…”

“Thanks to the fans who showed me support over the whole Kobe thing and to those I upset I apologize again. Remember it’s entertainment folks,” AW continued. “I really do hope Linda wins that election because If not then all of this BS has been for nothing. #GoLinda!! Thank you WWE for creating me and then killing me because I only portrayed what I grew up watching… The #WWE!!”

No word has surfaced on how The Primetime Players will be handled or how AW’s removal from the group will be addressed.



Phil Baroni Don Barr Pat Barry  Vitor Belfort 

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